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BOARD OF directors

Beca Thompson - Founder & President
Tiny Hooves Rescue was very happily founded in 2015. Beca has been caring for animals her entire life, from her childhood pets of fish and lizards, to the current Tiny Hooves family of over 100 residents. Beca has a strong animal care background with extensive experience. She has worked as an animal caretaker for many different species of exotic and farm animals and has been helping people care for their goats and sheep for years. Beca has been a vegan for many years, extremely passionate about all animal welfare, particularly our farm animal friends. Tiny Hooves Rescue is her lifelong dream and she is so excited to change the lives of the farm animals that need help, and to aid in the change of peoples' thoughts and actions towards them!  
Rachel Murrell - Vice President


Rachel has been drawn to animals since she can remember. Being a part of this non-profit has given her the opportunity to help and play an important role in animals' lives.  She believes in helping those who cannot speak for themselves have a voice. She lives by the statement that we are one with the earth and the universe, and we need to do all we can to help and nurture our home and all of the creatures in it. Rachel shares her home with 2 beautiful cat rescues.

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